
Author Archive

I’ve added a new wordpress to follow

If you would like to continue following me in life as I move onto other things from Brawl, follow me here:

The things I currently am involved in, or interested in doing (not limited to)

♦DeviantART Submissions


♦Tekken (The fighting game) Tutorials

♦Music (like songs or recording me play)

♣ and much more!

Categories: \PN/ news

Hey….. Pssh…. hey… I’m back..

I’m not even sure if anyone goes here anymore lol.

Anyways, I’m got some good news and bad news
I’m NOT back, I repeat, I’m not back here. I moved on. Was really busy with everything in my life, and I apologize to KCMM for disappearing so suddenly. But now that all of my life’s distractions are gone. I’m back on the web.

Now then, let’s begin..

You can find me on
PLEASE lol I’m not getting much notice because I haven’t been active, but I’m BACK guys. xD Tell your friends or people. I’m going to make more videos and such. Not just Brawl anymore, or rather, probably not anymore.

I miss this place and our fans. Come visit me anytime. Also…

If you have a DeviantART, I DO TOO. I posted some of my Art on there and if you like what you see, follow me! If you have a DA, tell me also! 😀
A video on the glimpse of my D.A.


He is BACK!

Finally, Yoshi Baddally is back… Read more…

Categories: Yoshi

“To everyone, I Am Nown.”

What better way to start a year off then with an update from… who, mii? I see…

Remember this post?

It would be one of my custom textures. So in ten days would be the anniversary of that pic. But throughout the days and months, he has over-gone a change. This change gave him a much greater look. He is now in everyone’s thoughts when he marks his trail nearby, terrifying all who come before him. TO EVERYONE, HE… IS… NOWN!

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Categories: Meta Knight, Texture Hacks

A Sad Decision…

Well, I thought about it…. and it looks like I am retiring from this blog.

There is an “if” about it though. I am thinking about joining KC:MM as a member… if I do, then this a goodbye to this blog.

Alternatively I may be gone, but this blog likely will not be. If yes, I will choose a member who has shown the most contribution, the most time here in a sense. This member has been loyal to the nation as one to be most appearing here… besides Stickman, who is now gone himself.

All riding on Mr. Jack Harvest’s Response to my request to join.

Categories: \PN/ news

Texture problem… what problem?

I have everything done, the problem is that his eye cannot show up in Brawl.

Categories: Meta Knight

Do you remember her?

Thanks to BrawlBox, we could swap stage models with others or just different models themselves! I present…

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Coming Soon…

Sorry if you wanted Grey fox, I let someone else do it, since I could not. So I took a different and more interesting approach on projects. Now Showing you one Sonic character you all know and love… and hate…? Read more…

Categories: \PN/ news

Dead no mas!

Hi there, I am back with good and bad news.


Categories: \PN/ news

Suspicious elf…

Well Santa Mario wont take taht, he actually does find it suspicious to have a young elf whose I dont know, 12? To top that, he has a sword, sheild, and other equipment! Now if you will take my word, I’d say Santa is right! He is suspicious!

So how would a “elf” get all that stuff? Well, I dont know… but he really looks trained… But Santa does not care… “ATTENTION! WE HAVE AN SUSPICIOUS ELF HERE.” The elf quickly hears and is mad so he heads to the big man! What is he thinking?! Is he mad? Well… yes… but that wasn’t what I meant…

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Categories: Texture Hacks, Toon Link