
Archive for 03/20/2009

WHA?! MARIO, is that… your bathing suit?!

Well, I bring a lol texture for Mario. Looks like he likes to swim and finally bought a bathing suit for him to wear so that he can go in Peach’s pool. So Mario seems to have gotten the wrong one and got the one for FEMALES! Now, Mario will be forever embarrassed by that brutal mistake. Now I bring his haunted Memories into a Texture hack! HAHA!

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Categories: Mario, Texture Hacks

The Furst of many!

Tonight I, Power, bring you a sonic texture from the movie once again. And let me tell you, that this is one EPIC one! This texture is born and I’ll tell you why.

When Sonic gets to Midna as the others do. Midna has this power she gain from her left hand. This power allows her to take control over anyone’s body, as Ganondorf did to Zelda in LOZ: TP. But she only got a small bit of it. So she can only confuse them to the point of control. Anyways so Midna “Twylights” Sonic and the others, sort-of speak. And yes, twYlight is spelled this way for her. Anyways once more, PICS!

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03/20/2009 4 comments

I’d just like to apologize for my inactivity on the site, I’m incredibly busy sorting out my release and such, so I apologize for that :C

I’ll make sure you all know when its released >:3

Categories: Leon