Home > Texture Hacks, \PN/ SSBB Movie > The Furst of many!

The Furst of many!

Tonight I, Power, bring you a sonic texture from the movie once again. And let me tell you, that this is one EPIC one! This texture is born and I’ll tell you why.

When Sonic gets to Midna as the others do. Midna has this power she gain from her left hand. This power allows her to take control over anyone’s body, as Ganondorf did to Zelda in LOZ: TP. But she only got a small bit of it. So she can only confuse them to the point of control. Anyways so Midna “Twylights” Sonic and the others, sort-of speak. And yes, twYlight is spelled this way for her. Anyways once more, PICS!

super-smash-brothers-brawl-na_0291 super-smash-brothers-brawl-na_027 super-smash-brothers-brawl-na_0281   

  1. 03/20/2009 at 7:47 am

    awesome texture. im SO getting this. however long i gotta wait lol.

  2. 03/20/2009 at 7:48 am

    I guess you got my email then lol.
    good job

    (One more character is in the media gallery already (K****o), i added him a long time ago, so whenever you want him posted, he is there for you)

  3. 03/20/2009 at 7:50 am

    I’m not gonna post the rest of the Main Characters until the movie. So HAAA!! lol jk. But I’m not.

  4. 03/20/2009 at 8:17 am

    ok. so when is the movie debut coming out?

    (and do you need any specialized characters?)

  5. 03/20/2009 at 8:34 am

    Well, I still need Tylight Samus. And Markings Bowser.

  6. 03/20/2009 at 8:45 am

    This is very good.

  7. 03/20/2009 at 8:57 am

    ZSS as well? I can work on that if you want. If not, i’ll find something else. Tengo muchas ideas!

  8. 03/20/2009 at 9:02 am

    “Si, si. Pero no Zamus. Samus Solamente. :D”
    okay sure, but no Zamus. Only Samus. 😀

  9. Leon
    03/20/2009 at 9:10 am

    Lo siento gente, no hablo español
    de todos modos, esto es increíble que ustedes rawk, y sólo me gustaría recordarles que estoy abierto a la voz que actúe

    E-mail me Leon2457@hotmail.co.uk y enviarme las líneas necesarias para quien los necesite: 3

    Well, that failed, heres the english, since my spanish sucks ballz

    Sorry folks, I don’t speak Spanish
    anyway, this is amazing you guys RAWK, and I’d just like to remind you that I’m open to voice acting

    E-mail me at Leon2457@hotmail.co.uk and send me the lines needed for whoever needs them :3

  10. 03/20/2009 at 9:11 am

    OK. In my seven minutes of free time, I’ll see what i can do 🙂

  11. 03/20/2009 at 9:33 am


  12. fireking220
    03/20/2009 at 2:38 pm

    o..m..g that’s so FREAKIN AWESOME!!! U guys rlly took ur time with this. Anyways gonna start Twilight Samus tomarro

  13. 03/20/2009 at 7:03 pm

    lol, Stickman’s doing her as well. So let’s see which one is better. 😀
    And thanks.

  14. 03/20/2009 at 8:44 pm

    awesome job.

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